Love Book(情书)

Book Design

In Eastern culture, boldly expressing emotions has never been a simple matter. Saying “I love you” to someone close to me is incredibly difficult. This likely stems from the broader environment; I grew up not being adept at expressing my feelings, and I find myself feeling awkward and at a loss when faced with strong emotions. As I slowly explore my understanding of my own emotions, I’ve realized that although I might not verbally express my feelings often, I tend to convey my love and emotions through other actions and behaviors. Therefore, I created a book, which captures the everyday life between me and my girlfriend. Although I rarely tell her “I love you,” a point of frequent complaint on her part, this book documents a series of actions in my life that demonstrate my affection. During the process of recording these fragments of life, I discovered that many actions, which may seem unrelated to expressing love, are in fact ways of showing it.